
8 Best Tips To Reduce Bags Under Eyes

  • November 5, 2024
  • 5 min read
8 Best Tips To Reduce Bags Under Eyes

You can feel spry, full of energy, and glad to be alive, but those under-eye bags may make you look exhausted, pale, and much more like an aged. Though, it may come from any of these, like lack of sleep, ageing, or genetics. However, there are different ways to decrease the appearance of those bags under your eyes and keep your skin looking fresh and healthy. 

Here Are The Top 8 Tips To Help You Fight Off Under Eye Bags

  • Sleep Enough

This is perhaps the most basic reason people develop bags under their eyes. Not getting enough sleep can cause fluid to collect in the eye area, causing puffiness. To ensure your body—as well as your skin—is properly rested and rejuvenated, you should sleep at least 7 to 9 hours every night. Adequate sleep hours dramatically reduce the chances of bags appearing under the eyes.

  • Apply a Cold Compress On Your Eyes

Applying a cold compress under your eyes helps constrict the blood vessels, thus bringing down swelling. It’s an amazing ritual to reduce the baggy under the eyes. Chilled cucumber slices, a cold spoon, or even a bag of frozen peas can be used. There is also the latest method of using LED under-eye patches that combines cold therapy with light technology intended to reduce puffiness while treating the skin at a deeper level.

Wake your skin up to reduce the appearance of those bags under your eyes, apply cold compress every morning.
Bonus Tip: Learn what is pink eye and how you may treat it. 

  • Stay Hydrated Inside & Out

Since dehydration tends to cause slackness and a dull appearance of the skin under your eyes, it also tends to make the puffiness very visible. Drinking water has a tendency to flush out toxins in your body while hydrating your skin; it’s more likely that under-eye bags will be less pronounced if your skin is well moisturised internally.

In addition to drinking lots of water, a great hydrating under-eye cream would be one rich in ingredients such as hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid fills in the skin and helps to minimise puffiness.

  • Cut Down On Salty Food & Alcohol

High salt and alcohol consumption causes water retention, which may lead to puffiness and bloating, especially around the fragile under-eye area. Under-eye bags can be prevented by limiting these consumptions to salty foods and alcohol. When indulging, make sure to drink plenty of water to negate those effects and let your body drain out the excess fluids.

  • Use Eye Creams Containing Caffeine

Caffeine is also a great way to eliminate puffiness. It contracts blood vessels and deflates any swelling. Eye creams containing caffeine temporarily firm up the skin and enhance the circulation of your eyes, hence making the visible luggage less prominent. Aloe vera or chamomile are some soothing agents alongside caffeine— providing your eyes with a fresher and awake look.

Massage the eye cream gently using your ring finger for optimal effect rather than pulling on the fragile skin around your eyes.

  • Retinoids

If your under-eye bags are due to sagging skin or ageing, you should go for a retinol-based cream. Retinoids build up collagen and thicken your skin, thereby giving respite from under-eye bags in the long run. As retinoids are pretty harsh for the delicate under-eye area, their use should be minimal and at night only.

But if you are unsure whether or not you should try retinoids, just head to a dermatologist for advice on which product and usage will be appropriate for you. There, you will get appropriate advice on which product and application will serve your skin type the best.

  • In-Office Treatments

If you want the eye bags gone quickly, in-office treatments by your dermatologists can prove helpful. Common treatments include fillers, laser therapy, and chemical peels that enhance the texture and tone of the skin under your eyes.

Fillers can also be used to augment the depressed areas under the eyes to create a smoother angle or to fill the sunken areas of the eyes, which is another major concern around the eyes. Ask you doctor about best serum for puffy eyes to address this condition in a better way. 

  • Lifestyle Changes

Small lifestyle changes could dramatically reduce under-eye bags. Resting the head at night while asleep means no fluids stay around the eyes to swell them up. Stress reduction, quitting smoking, and a proper skincare routine significantly improve the appearance of the under-eye area over time.

Final Remarks On Reducing Appearance Of Under Eye Bags

Many people worry about under-eye bags, but the right strategy can quickly diminish them. For instance, you can begin with better sleep quality, hydration, and cold compresses for some period. Combine these practices with specific skincare products that will help reduce the appearance of your under-eye bags, such as caffeine-based eye creams. More recurrent under-eye bags may require retinoids or professional intervention.

You can probably attain brighter, fresher-looking eyes with a consistent skincare routine and good lifestyle changes.

About Author

Jinal Shah