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Designing Digital Gardens – Marketing Strategies for Landscaping Companies

  • October 16, 2023
  • 4 min read
Designing Digital Gardens – Marketing Strategies for Landscaping Companies

Landscaping companies benefit from incorporating content marketing into their overall digital marketing strategy. This approach helps them reach their target customers while helping them build a reputation for excellent customer service.

There are a lot of people on the internet experimenting with re-designing mainstream reading experiences. These new ideas rely on an ethos that encourages continually creating learning exhaust.

1. Design a Website

A digital garden is a collection of ideas that you cultivate and tend over time. It’s your corner of the web that lets you write about whatever interests you — without having to worry about finding a niche or getting it right the first time.

A garden also allows you to connect ideas together, creating a network of original thinking. This is a new way of writing and learning, one that’s built to last and independent of locked-down third-party platforms.

Digital marketing for landscaping companies are gaining traction among developers, writers and researchers who want to take control of their online presence. But they require a significant amount of technical knowledge, as well as a willingness to do some coding. And not everyone is ready for that.

2. Develop a Referral Program

There is a whole community on the internet who are re-designing mainstream reading experiences by building their own content platforms and writing systems that break away from one-size-fits-all streamlined silos. They are called digital gardeners and they use tools like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to experiment with networked thought — though they also appreciate the limitations of these tools.

The digital gardening approach to reading and learning also requires more attention to how open-data research content actually travels and impacts other people and entities, addressing issues of epistemic justice. It also encourages more pluralistic data practices and participatory and less hierarchical forms of engagement with information.

Make sure that your customers know about your referral program and that it is easy for them to share with their friends and neighbors. You can create a simple online form that they can fill out to recommend your services.

3. Create Marketing Materials

In addition to creating a website, consider using local seo to boost visibility among local customers. These ads can help you target specific keywords that people use to find your services, ensuring your content is visible when and where it matters most.

Digital gardens offer a chance to experiment with the native tools of the web in ways that challenge established convention. Instead of focusing on chronological blogs or social media streams, digital garden tools let users connect notes by topic, building a network that reflects their style of thinking and a less-structured way of connecting information relationally. Moreover, these tools are designed to support learning and curiosity by embracing a culture of discovery. The guided paths of Ocean of Books and Notion suggest how these systems may be further adapted to encourage this kind of exploration.

4. Advertise Locally

While it may be tempting to reach a wide range of potential customers, focusing your efforts on a smaller geographic area can maximize the return on your investment. Local landscaping companies can benefit from running a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign on Facebook, which offers the ability to target ads specifically to people who are interested in your services.

Nerdy corners of the web are abuzz with digital gardens, creative reimaginings of blogs that quietly took off amongst people who understand back-end code and the importance of creating their own sites. These sites allow users to cultivate ideas and share their work in progress with others. They’re often based on off-the-shelf libraries that support bidirectional links between pages and offer flexible ways to organize content. They also promote a learning exhaust ethos that encourages continuous creation of knowledge and reflection on it.

5. Develop a Customer Referral Program

A customer referral program is a great way to drive new business for landscaping and lawn care services. Incentives like free products or discounted services can encourage your existing customers to pass on your business to their friends and family. Be sure to set up a system that is easy for your clients to use. If they have to jump through too many hoops to send you a referral, they might not bother.

Digital gardens represent a return to the early days of the Internet before chronological blogs and social media streams took over. By using a network of thought tools with bilateral links between notes, they create organic reading and learning instead of the one-size-fits-all streamlined silos that dominate mainstream content today.


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Jinal Shah