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Finding the Perfect Pup for Your Household

  • July 12, 2023
  • 7 min read
Finding the Perfect Pup for Your Household

Are you ready to embark on an exhilarating journey filled with wagging tails, unconditional love and boundless joy? From cuddles on the couch to outdoor escapades, a new dog can brighten your days. But with countless breeds, temperaments and dietary needs to consider, how do you find the perfect canine companion that fits seamlessly into your life?

Delve into the world of pet parenthood and learn how and where to find the perfect pup, how to prepare your home and choose the right wet and dry dog food to feed them.

Considerations Before Getting a Dog

Before welcoming a furry companion into your home, consider the following to ensure a smooth and fulfilling experience for you and your new canine friend.

  • Lifestyle and Living Situation

Your lifestyle and living situation should be the first factors to consider when adding a dog to your household. This includes your work schedule, the size of your home and whether you live in an urban or rural area. Different breeds have varying needs, making it crucial to ensure that your environment can support the health and happiness of your future pup.

  • Budget and Financial Considerations

Beyond the initial adoption or purchase cost, ongoing expenses include food, grooming, veterinary care and pet insurance. Before taking the plunge, consider your budget and ensure you’re financially ready for this commitment. The average cost of getting a new dog is between $740 and $1,825 for the first year and can cost up to $875 for each subsequent year of dog ownership. 

  • Time Commitment for Caring for a Dog

Training, socializing, exercising, feeding and grooming are all regular parts of dog ownership. You’ll need to assess your daily routine and see how a dog would fit into it, understanding that puppies, in particular, require plenty of time and patience.

  • Allergies or Other Health Concerns

Allergies can be a major hurdle in dog ownership. You or your family members may be allergic to dander, which can cause various health issues

Similarly, some breeds may be more prone to certain health problems, impacting your pet adoption decision. For example, brachycephalic breeds like pugs and French bulldogs tend to have respiratory issues, while larger dog breeds like German Shepherds and Labradors are vulnerable to hip dysplasia. 

Choosing the Right Breed

Dog breeds vary in their temperaments and traits. For instance, Retrievers like the Labrador and Golden Retriever are known for their friendliness and adaptability, making them excellent family dogs. Border Collies and Australian Shepherds are highly energetic and intelligent, requiring plenty of physical and mental stimulation. 

Smaller dog breeds like the Bulldog or Shih Tzu are laid-back, making them suitable for a relaxed lifestyle or apartment living. Small breeds also require less space than their larger counterparts and can be easier to manage in terms of physical strength, but some can be high-energy or have assertive personalities.

The key to a happy and fulfilling relationship with your dog is ensuring their breed characteristics align with your household’s lifestyle. If you have young children, a breed known for its patience and gentleness, such as a Golden Retriever or Irish Setter, may be ideal. 

A high-energy breed like an Australian Shepherd or Weimaraner could be a perfect companion for long hikes or runs if you’re an active individual or family. A breed with lower energy levels, like a Bulldog or Basset Hound, might be a better fit if you’re more of a homebody.

Finding a Reputable Breeder or Shelter

When you’ve decided on the best type of dog for your household, your next step is to consider where to get your new pet. Whether you work with a reputable breeder or adopt from a shelter, there are several essential tips to consider, including:

  • Tips for Finding a Reputable Breeder or Shelter

When looking for a breeder, ensure they are registered with national or local breeding clubs or kennel clubs. A good breeder will happily answer your questions, show you where the dogs live and introduce you to the puppy’s parents. They should also provide proof of health screenings and genetic testing.

Adopting a dog from a shelter not only saves a life but also gives a deserving animal a second chance at a loving home. By choosing to adopt, you are providing a home for a grateful companion who will bring endless joy, loyalty, and unconditional love into your life. Look for those that provide veterinary care, behavior assessments and support for new adopters. 

  • Meeting and Selecting Your New Dog

Meeting your potential new dog for the first time is an exciting step. Approach the dog calmly, letting them come to you and use gentle voice tones. Watch for signs of a healthy dog, such as clear eyes, clean ears, a shiny coat and a friendly demeanor. Consider the dog’s energy level and behavior – does it match what you’re looking for in a pet?

  • Questions to Ask the Breeder or Shelter

Asking the right questions is essential when getting a new dog. Important questions to ask a breeder or shelter include the dog’s age, medical history and temperament. For breeders, ask about the dog’s pedigree and socialization. 

Shelters should be transparent about any known behavioral or health issues the dog may have. 

Some may be able to provide insight into the dog’s previous home and behavior, but it depends on where the dog originated. If it is an out-of-state transplant, learning its background is more challenging. 

Bringing Your New Dog Home

Once you’ve decided to bring a new dog into your life, the next step is to prepare for their arrival and create a welcoming and comfortable environment for them in their new home.

  • Preparing Your Home

Dog-proof your home by removing toxic plants, securing loose objects and electrical cords and keeping any potentially poisonous items like cleaning supplies or medications in a locked cupboard. 

Create a designated space with a dog bed, toys, food and a water bowl. Stock up on nutrient-dense foods like rawmix dog food and don’t forget to buy a few bags of freeze dried dog food for treats during training. Consider your dog’s age, size, activity level and health conditions to determine which wet and dry dog foods to purchase and how much to feed them.

For example, small breeds can burn 40 calories per pound daily, almost twice that of larger dogs! If you adopt a small dog, make sure your pup receives the daily calories they need with specially formulated small breed dog food.   


  • Setting Up a Routine and Helping Your New Pup Adjust

Ensure you create a consistent schedule for feeding, walks, playtime and rest. This helps your dog feel secure and can help with training and bonding.

Allow your dog plenty of time to adjust to their new environment. Be patient, offer positive reinforcement and rewards for good behavior and gradually introduce them to new experiences, people and pets.

Enjoy a Lifetime of Love with Your Perfect Pup

Bringing a new pup into your household is an exciting journey filled with discovery, bonding and unending joy. Each moment, from the first timid steps into your home to the countless shared experiences, culminates in a unique bond of companionship and love. 

Remember, the perfect pup isn’t necessarily the one that’s the cutest or most well-behaved; it’s the one that fits seamlessly into your life and becomes part of your family.

About Author

Jinal Shah

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