
5 Compelling Ways to Cope With a Busy Lifestyle

  • August 28, 2024
  • 5 min read
5 Compelling Ways to Cope With a Busy Lifestyle

Modern living can get hectic in a hurry. No matter how organised you try to keep your schedule it’s not uncommon to feel stressed, tired, and even overwhelmed when you’re trying to juggle everything on your schedule and whatever life throws your way.


Australians choose to cope with a busy lifestyle in many different ways. For some it’s joining a yoga class, while others resort to the acupuncture Brighton residents use to treat ailments such as stress. 


Find Effective Ways to Deal with Feeling Overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed can stress for a variety of reasons. Setting high expectations for ourselves, not being able to say no, and juggling too many tasks at once are just a few reasons we often feel as though we’re burning the candle at both ends. 


Fortunately, there are a few ways that you can feel less overwhelmed when life feels as though it’s getting too busy. Our wellness experts have listed a few key ideas of things you can do to get a handle on your busy schedule.


  1. Assess What’s Important

On most days your schedule will more than likely be filled with two groups of to-do sections. These can be tasks that must be completed and those that you would like to get done if there’s time. 


While you may not always write them down, you’re keeping track of them in the back of your mind. The first rule is to not overwhelm your schedule. Be careful of filling your schedule in advance, especially on days when you’re feeling strong, and have little to do. You may not be feeling the same way when that date rolls around. 


So, if you have a hectic schedule, and you know that there’s no way you’re going to get everything done, experts suggest choosing at least three to five things that you either must or can do effectively. Focus on getting them done. 


Schedule the other tasks for later days in the week. Try not to schedule too many things for one day as that is the number one cause of being overwhelmed. You don’t have to fill every hour of the day with work.


  1. Don’t Feel Guilty for Saying No Sometimes

No matter how organised you think you are, something can easily come up and throw your whole schedule off balance. If your schedule is already full, learn to be comfortable with saying no. 


Always remember that saying yes to a new task, chore, or favour means that you’re saying no to doing something that already exists on your schedule. It’s acceptable to say yes to something if you can shuffle something around on your schedule without it negatively affecting the rest of your plans.


  1. Learn to Prioritise

Another trick to not letting your schedule overwhelm you is to plan more carefully. Learn to prioritise the important things and spend less time focusing on things that are stressing you out. 


Refocus, prioritise what’s important and find more effective ways to work through other issues that are clogging up your schedule. You can ask for help with certain things or cancel or reschedule plans that don’t suit your current agenda. Strive to honour your priorities and focus on positive aspects such as health, family, happiness, and personal growth.


  1. Change the Way You do Things

Before you set out to do something or schedule it to your to-do list, consider the reason why you’re doing things in the first place. You should also step back and assess the way you’re doing things. Keep in mind that you don’t have to keep doing things the same way you have always done them. 


Always be on the lookout for ways to make things simpler. This can include using apps to help you keep track of specific things or asking someone to help with easier tasks. You can also opt for services that lessen your responsibilities.

For instance, opt for a homecooked meal delivery service to reduce meal prep time. 


Order your groceries online and have them delivered to your home or office. This will instantly reduce the time you spend shopping and standing in long lines at the end of a busy day.


  1. Take Care of Yourself

Looking after yourself should also be a priority in your busy schedule. Make time for self-care and time with people who bring you joy. This will go a long way toward strengthening your mental health, which in turn will help you deal with the tasks and chores on your daily to-do list. 


Acupuncture, yoga, meditation, and Pilates are all excellent practices that can help you destress. This in turn makes it easier to prioritize and focus on what’s important. 


Final Thoughts

Life is guaranteed to get overwhelming sometimes, no matter how hard you work toward keeping it simple. Work on prioritizing the things you need to do and spend time refocusing at the end of the day. Invest in activities that can make you feel stronger so that you can easily deal with whatever life, and your schedule, send your way!

About Author

Jinal Shah