The Benefits of Interactive Games for Dogs

We as humans often spend an entire day glued to a mobile phone or TV screen. Our pets, thankfully, do not – they are still simple creatures. Interacting directly with them, such as taking them out on a walk or playing remains the biggest source of entertainment for them. And it benefits you too.
Of course, you can play football with your friends who stand on two legs and have a good understanding of the game. But how about playing football with your dog for a change? It sounds like something you might have never considered before, and it can be a very engaging experience for both of you.
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Why Your Pup Friend Needs Some Great Interactive Games
Let’s take a look at how interactive games with your dog will improve their lives, both physically and mentally.
1. Reducing Hyperactivity and Destructive Behaviour
Your dog really is like a baby. If you’re not playing with them and tiring them out, they’re going to spend all that energy somewhere else. And mostly it isn’t productive.
So, spending regular quality time with your dog where you’re playing games like hide and seek, fetch or sprinting can help them use their energy productively. This will help avoid destructive behaviour such as chewing (valuables, curtains, or otherwise), or excessive hyperactivity that leads to things breaking around the house.
2. Building a Strong Bond With You
Your dog really wants quality time with you to bond – which doesn’t happen if you’re not paying attention to them. You need to show them care and affection. Engaging with them is one of the best ways to do so.
This benefits you too, as you earn the fulfilment of building a meaningful relationship with your pet.
3. Helps Them Build Self Control
Interactive games where your pet has to wait for a sign to perform an action, or listen to instruction helps them build discipline and self control. You’ll need to trigger their reward system by offering them a treat for the correct decision, which positively reinforces the behaviour.
So, you’re essentially training the unwanted behaviour out of them and helping them become more well behaved.
4. Improves Their Cardiovascular Conditioning and Mobility
Our ability to perform intense cardiovascular activity, and mobility both depend on how frequently we engage specific muscles. And the same is true for dogs.
Being active regularly through an obstacle course, racing against you, or playing a physically demanding game sets up the foundation for a healthy life. And in the long run, it helps them deal with the ageing process much better.