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How To Maintain A Propane Tank?

  • September 19, 2024
  • 4 min read
How To Maintain A Propane Tank?

Having a consistent supply of propane to heat your home or run your appliance brings in several perks. However, your propane tank itself is a significant investment! Depending on their size and capacity, the tanks can cost between $500 and $2,500. A large, 1000-gallon tank may require you to fork out $4,500 or so. After all, it’s a hefty investment, right?

So, how do you plan to maintain your propane tank and prolong its lifespan? Do you know that a professionally-maintained tank can serve you for at least 12 years before you need to get them recertified at an interval of 5 years?

Underground propane tanks can last even for 30 years. 

Tips To Maintain a Propane Tank

Explore some of the recommended tips to keep your propane tank in good shape in the years to come.

  • Keep The Tank Filled

Propane tanks struggle to maintain adequate pressure with a drop in temperature. The lack of enough pressure prevents the gas from vaporizing. This might render the propane tank unsuitable for use, with the gas level sinking. 

To maintain pressure in your propane tank, keep it at least 50% full during the winter months. When propane is heated, it expands. At lower temperatures, the tank levels are likely to read lower. So, make sure to maintain at least a half-filled tank during winter.

  • Insulate Your Tank

It’s advisable to insulate your propane tank using a blanket to keep low-temperature issues at bay. This will also prevent the tank from freezing.

Experts advise against using hot water, space heater, or blowtorches to heat the tank. You may contact your propane gas supplier for assistance in keeping the tank insulated.

  • Flow And Ventilation

With limited ventilation, propane can turn dangerous. In case the tank has a leak, make sure that the tank has a considerable airflow to prevent propane from building up. Compared to air, propane is heavier, making it easy to spread horizontally even without your knowledge.

  • Keep The Tank Fixed

Did you check the ground where you installed your propane tank? Unless it’s level enough, there’s a risk for the tank to tip over. Before installing the tank, find a flat ground to position it. Don’t place it over uneven sports or rotting wood. From time to time, keep an eye on dirt or moisture around the tank to keep it in good condition.

  • Regular Inspection

Schedule propane tank servicing from reputed providers who would inspect it for other problems. Experienced hands can detect potential issues in the tank and fix them before they aggravate. These may include:

  • Missing or damaged valves
  • Broken indicators or dials
  • Bends in the gas line
  • Corroded equipment
  • Soot build-up  on the tank

 Underground propane tanks come with anti-corrosion components that you need to test and inspect regularly. So, it pays to have an established propane tank installation company around for timely services.

  • Remove Snow and Ice

After a storm or adverse weather conditions, you may notice snow or ice on the propane tank. Get a soft broom and remove these elements to prevent it from damage. Refrain from using plastic or metal scrapers, which may potentially damage the tank. Neither should you use a snow blower to do away with the snow.

Schedule Propane Tank Maintenance Services

 While switching to propane from traditional fuels is a logical decision, homeowners need to put in consistent efforts to maintain their tanks. Proper care and maintenance from professionals can address the potential issues that deteriorate its condition. Even if you find your tank perfect, it’s wise to schedule preventive maintenance services with the experts. Reach out to one of the reliable propane gas suppliers for affordable maintenance services.











About Author

Jinal Shah