
Social Responsibilities And Choosing Companies that Fit in with both Our Goals and Societal Aims

  • August 5, 2024
  • 2 min read
Social Responsibilities And Choosing Companies that Fit in with both Our Goals and Societal Aims

Our parents teach us from an early age that the world is not just about us. Hopefully, we grow into adults that care not only for the people around us but in this day and age, for the environment.

With global warming and the change in climatic conditions that this has thrust upon us, particularly since the start of the 21st century, it is now more important than ever that we do more than pay lip service to lowering our carbon footprint to help with the ozone layer.

What we can do today

It’s about positive steps we can all make. For me, I am quite pleased with my recycling efforts at least splitting my trash and reusing items that in yesteryear I might have tossed.

Plastic takes 400 years to degrade, or something like that, so in the last few years I’m proud that by and large I haven’t accepted a plastic bag. I added up the difference to the “old me” and found it ran to many hundreds of bags a year saved from landfill.

In transport. I am lucky enough that I am not a great traveller these days so I’m not liable to what the Swedish call flygskam (flight shaming) as I haven’t been on a plane for 6 years. And I cycle everywhere though I do still own a car that  I can’t quite ditch for a bicycle!

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In the corporate sector firms are increasingly made aware of their responsibilities by governments but many self-regulate in the measures they take to protect the environment.

And there’s the crux. Companies that want our business know full well that to achieve that they must align with OUR goals. 

An Example

With CSR initiatives and information key to my choices, going with a diving company that aligned with other considerations was important. I didn’t want to be spending my hard-earned funds on people who only took advantage of the UAE’s dive sites without giving back.

That’s why the decision-making process was made so much easier when I read about saving the coral reefs. Not just buried in the blurb but up close and personal.

Because saving our planet in any way we can is an upfront and personal issue. And choosing who we do business with is a major part of that. 

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About Author

Jinal Shah