
Useful tips for those about to purchase health insurance in Thailand

  • October 22, 2024
  • 3 min read
Useful tips for those about to purchase health insurance in Thailand

Thailand is an amazing country to visit, which explains why it attracts millions of tourists each year. Some enjoy the experience so much that they decide that it’s a place that they would like to end up living there. There are many good reasons for this, not least the excellent value for money which allows for an enjoyable and comfortable lifestyle to be enjoyed.


To make the most of life in the Land of Smiles it is wise to find somewhere accessible to live that provides a good location with plenty of activities. While there is no shortage of such things, the country can also provide some issues which require consideration. It is therefore wise to seek out the appropriate Thailand health insurance to provide peace of mind while going about daily life. Here are a few tips for those wondering what the best health insurance should provide.


  • Much can depend on the age of the person who is looking to choose the right policy as when humans get older, they are more likely to be susceptible to illness and being involved in accidents as the reactions slow down. Those with any underlying medical condition that may require regular visits to a pharmacy should allow for that in their choice, as should the likelihood of any required treatment being needed.
  • Finding out exactly what an insurance policy includes is very important yet often overlooked by those who just go for the cheapest option to tick a box without reading through it properly. For instance, is there worldwide cover in there for those who might travel regularly, and is dental treatment and optical care part of the plan? Some might wish to have health checks and be covered for pre-existing conditions, although it’s unlikely to find anything covering treatment for erectile dysfunction.
  • With so many different plans available, it’s a buyer’s market, which means that it is sensible to take time to consider which plan is best and covers all requirements as well as comparing how much they cost. It might be beneficial to choose one that offers slightly less but it is considerably cheaper to pay for each month.
  • It is very easy to be confused when trying to read through all the paraphernalia connected with health insurance. There are likely to be phrases that are alien and not easily understood. It is wise to choose a company that explains anything clearly so that there is no confusion when required to put in a claim, which might be affected by which visa the client possesses.
  • The activities enjoyed regularly should also be considered when looking to buy cover. For instance, someone who relaxes in a quiet location reading a book and watching TV might find a more suitable policy than someone who is out and about on their motorbike and enjoys partying.


Purchasing the right insurance policy can make a world of difference to those living in Thailand so it is wise to check out the options and consider personal circumstances first.

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Jinal Shah